VS is a sparkling Lambrusco, only made with grapes of local grape varieties coming from the area of Viadana, purely grown and selected within the area of the municipalities of Viadana and Sabbioneta, where this grape variety has been grown for centuries: from these two towns it takes its name, V stands for Viadana and S for Sabbioneta.

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Cantinon is a semi-dry Lambrusco, dark-coloured and very enjoyable to the taste. Of our wines it’s the one that female customers appreciate the most, with a good texture and a good mixture of aromas that make its degustation very enjoyable. Ideal for those who are not particularly fond of the typically dry taste of Lambrusco and prefer a softer but not less valuable and tasty version of the wine.

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Il Salico

his Lambrusco Provincia di Mantova reveals its softer trait with Il Salico, pinkish-coloured and with a lighter texture, ideal for
summertime and enjoyable with light dishes

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“Nustràn” is a sparkling Lambrusco wine which is obtained thanks to a pure brewing of local grape varieties, exclusively belonging to the “Lambrusco Viadanese” (from Viadana) type. The long fermentation process of its yeasts and the careful bottle-fermentation make it one of a kind.

The prolonged brewing phases are in harmony with the turning of seasons and allow aromas and flavours to be well amalgamated: in so doing, acidity is dispersed, and the bottle is characterised by the true emerging of the identity of this wine variety.

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Luna Vecia

We decided to widen the variety of our wines by offering a bottle fermented wine, which is the result of a traditional technique that we accurately followed. And it is with the purpose to link this wine to the tradition that we decided to name it “Luna Vecia”, which means li- terally “old moon” (i.e. waning crescent moon), referring to the lunar phase when the wine used to be traditionally bottled.

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Corte Vitaliana

Corte Vitaliana is a DOC wine made with the grape varieties that are harvested from our area of production. The recipe for this wine’s production is a historical one, kept safe since the winery’s foundation. Indeed, it’s a mixture of Lambrusco wines, made according to the most traditional vinification sequence.

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Cavalcabò is a sparkling Lambrusco, only made with grapes of local grape varieties coming from the area of Viadana, purely grown and selected within the area of the municipalities of Viadana and Sabbioneta, where this grape variety has been grown for centuries.
This grape variety from Viadana releases in this bottle, thanks to the features of the land where it grows, a harmony of flavours and scents with a peculiar strong purple coloured foam.

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he most elegant and light soul of the territory and the grape variety which takes its name from the small area around Viadana are concealed in this sparkling wine.
It’s a sparkling wine with delicate hints and subtle effervescence, result of an equally delicate processing: crushed grapes undergo a very light maceration process, followed by an accurate cleaning of the must and a long second fermentation inside an autoclave,
according to the Martinotti technique


Our land’s typical joy and conviviality in a Lambrusco wine that suits everyday life.
It’s a traditional wine of the area, the most suitable for everyday life, because of its economic price and its being of quality while still maintaining taste and texture.

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Da oltre 200 anni rendiamo il Lambrusco la migliore espressione della nostra terra.

Chi siamo

La Cantina di Viadana raduna 100 soci nella produzione di 7 tipologie di Lambrusco.

I vini

Solo Lambrusco da vitigni selezionati. Esplora tutte le nostre interpretazioni.

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